毕节高铁新城Bijie high-speed new town
——标志性的城市门户The iconic city portal
西安生态城计划Xi'an Eco-friendly City
——高技下的绿色生态社区 Rebuilding High-tech Green Ecology Community
郑州财经技师学院规划与建筑方案设计The Planning &
——“教、研、产”一体的现代化校园"Teaching,research, production" the integration of modern campus
巴南.巴蜀小学BaShu Primary School
——教学空间的创新与探索The innovation of the teaching space and exploration
贵阳龙宇广场规划设计A Planning and Constructi
——激活城市风貌之载体The activation of urban style and features
綦江千山.线 The QiJiang Count Line
——线性商业空间氛围的探索The exploration of linear commercial space atmosphere
铜仁中央商谷 Comercial Park On The Central To
——活力年轻的商业中心Vibrant young commercial center
融创·凡尔赛庄园Versailles Manor
——绝版地段法式风情别墅Unique French Villa
重庆国家质检中心 National Quality Supervision an
——屋顶上的城市公园Metropolitan park on the roof
昆明.滇池国际中央商务 Internationalcommercial P
——城市新区核心的塑造The core of shaping new district
龙泉驿.新客站规划 A Concept Plan&Construction
——交通枢纽的突破与创新 The Breakthrough and Innovation Of Transportation